This Friday we will present the first time "Der Gelbe Klang" (The Yellow Sound). This group work of Teresa Hackel - Dance, Stefan Schwarzer - Projection, Felix Krüger - Sound, Denise Ackermann - Mastermind and Me - Painting is related to Kandinsky's "Der Gelbe Klang". A theatre compostion that consists of 5 images and a prologue. "Der Gelbe Klang" is part of the ongoing "Colors-Project" of riesa efau.
some web links about "Der Gelbe Klang" (The Yellow Sound) - link one link two
Place: Prager Strasse 2b /Prager Spitze ( former Karstadt Sport)
Dates: Friday 26.11 - 8p.m. and Wednesday 1.12. - 8p.m.
Entrance Fee : 3€ (Students, Pupil, Hartz4,... )/ 5€ (Normal)
There are limited Seats! To be sure (100percent) to see the premiere you can buy the tickets at riesa efau
Foto by Andreas Seeliger via riesa efau
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