Freitag, 6. November 2015
Dortmund x-Wagen @ Infusion#8
This is my latest work „Dortmund x-Wagen“ done for a group show at the train station Herne. It’s a sgraffito work done on a wall in the former waiting room of the station. The scratched drawing refers to night activities of train painters in and around Dortmund. For a long period the „x-Wagen“ was the typical model of suburban trains in the Ruhr region. It was the number one aim of train writers for painting.
The show Infusion#8 was organized by 247style (Bochum). Other participating artists were Fino (Berlin), Niels Mlynek(Cologne), Ahmed Abdellatif & Severin Gruner (Dortmund).
Dienstag, 20. Oktober 2015
Next Show - Infusion 2015 - Herne
The next show I participate is in Herne/Rhine-Ruhr-Area. The exhibition "Infusion 8" is located in the train station of Herne. It's a perfect spot to show a collection of my silk screen prints that deal with trains and train painting. Opening of the show is on 31st october 4 p.m.. More Infos about the show you can find on fb.
Freitag, 11. September 2015
Reclaim the street Workshop - noch freie Plätze !
Es gibt noch freie Plätze für den Ferienworkshop "reclaim the street". Der Workshop findet vom 12.10. bis 16.10. im und um riesa efau in Dresden statt. Es können alle dran teilnehmen die zwischen 16 und 18 Jahren alt sind. Der Workshop ist kostenfrei jedoch müsst ihr euch anmelden auf der Website des riesa efau. Alle weiteren Infos findet Ihr hier.
Hier der offizielle Workshoptext :
Ob Stencil, Sticker oder Mural — wir machen die Stadt ein bisschen bunter. Street Art gehört längst zum Großstadtbild und ihre Künstler_innen haben Galerien und Museen in Windeseile erobert. Aber wie funktioniert Street Art? Wie macht man ein fotorealistisches Schablonengraffiti? Welche weiteren Techniken gibt es, eine öffentliche Wand oder einen Platz zu gestalten? Und vor allem: Wie kann ich mich daran ohne Gefahren beteiligen? Neben den Grundlagen der Schablonentechnik, Hinweisen zu Sprüh- und Pinseltechniken sowie jeder Menge Wissenswertem zur Wandbildbewegung (Muralismo) steht das eigene Tätigwerden und Experimentieren in diesem Kurs im Vordergrund. Wir fertigen eigene Schablonen an, die wir auf selbst hergestellte Sticker sprühen. Wir erstellen Skizzen, die wir dann als Experimentiergrundlage für ein Mural auf einer öffentlichen Wand nutzen. Ob in der Gruppe oder individuell — wir werden den öffentlichen Raum
Freitag, 28. August 2015
"Beer, Waiting & Needle Caps" by Vilx & Jens Besser won the 3rd prize at "Sinnlichkeit 2015"
I'm really happy to announce that Vilx and me won the 3rd prize at Sinnlichkeit 2015 in Magdeburg. I'm really surprised by the decision of the jury, but happy for sure. The spontanous work by Vilx and me was done on a sunny sunday afternoon at the former prison in Magdeburg.
The piece is drawn on pasted paper and is part of the "Antimurals" pieces at "Sinnlichkeit 2015".
Samstag, 22. August 2015
Zeichnungsquerschnitt – 2016
Urban Spree Galerie’s ‘Ecke’ is happy to invite you to the vernissage of Jens Besser’s new project, “Zeichnungsquerschnitt – 2016″.
Jens Besser (b. 1982) is a multi-talented artist, curator, muralist, author (“Muralismo Morte”) hailing from Dresden.
Urban Spree Galerie - Revaler Strasse 99 – 10245 Berlin – Germany
Vernissage: Thursday, September 3rd 19:00 Exhibition: Friday, Spetember 4th to Saturday, September 12th, 2015 (12:00-19:00)
Zur Ausstellung bei Urban Spree zeigt Jens Besser Siebdrucke, sowie Fotografien von Werken im öffentlichen Raum.
Den Hauptteil der Ausstellung bilden 12 Motive des Siebdruckkalenders „Zeichnungsquerschnitt – 2016“
Alle Schritte zum Erstellen des Siebdruckkalenders wurden auf analogem Weg realisiert. Vom Motiv ausgehend, über die Erstellung der Druckvorlage, dem Übertragen auf das Sieb bis zum finalen Druck wurde alles mit traditionellen Mitteln ohne digitale Medien umgesetzt.
Zeichnungsquerschnitt3Der Kalender zeigt die Vielfalt des zeichnerischen Repertoires des Künstlers. Jeder Monat unterscheidet sich nicht nur inhaltlich, sondern auch formal und in der Entstehungsweise der Zeichnung. So vereint der Kalender „Zeichnungsquerschnitt – 2016“ eine Zeichnungsvielfalt von abstrakt bis illustrativ. Der Kalender ist streng limitiert auf 40 Stück.
Jens Besser (*1982 Freiberg/Sachs) ist Wandkünstler, Autor und Organisator zahlreicher Projekte im Bereich Mural-Art und Trainworks. Er realisierte zahlreiche Wandbilder u.a. in Chile, Taiwan, Saudi-Arabien und Bulgarien.
Urban Spree Galerie, Revaler Str. 99, 10245 Berlin
Vernissage: Donnerstag, 3.09.2015, 19:00 Ausstellungsöffnungszeiten: Freitag, 4.9. bis Samstag, 12.9.2015 (12:00-19:00)
Montag, 22. Juni 2015
Yard Drawing @ Forum of Styles
I did this yard drawing at Forum of Styles during BRN 2015 - Dresden-Neustadt. I painted live from 1p.m.-6 p.m. in front of the district museum - thanks a lot to the District Museum for organizing the Forum Of Styles.
Montag, 15. Juni 2015
Trouble on the edge
This is my final work for "urban cript continues - Antimurals" in the former prison in Magdeburg. Another large-sized drawing. This time i pasted a huge darkblue background. In the background you can find a structure of brush strokes. The drawing in bright color deales with exterme experiences I had in the my life. I did this work in the morning after i woke up in the prison around 6 a.m. - and finished the drawing within 2 hours.
"Antimurals" happens during Sinnlichkeit 2015( 6.6-20.9. 2015). After the closing of the show, all murals will be destroyed or uninstalled.
Montag, 1. Juni 2015
"Graffiti ist Jazz mit Buchstaben" - comments & works
Recently some of my works ( in fact the two official works I did in Sachsen-Anhalt) been published in the book "Graffiti ist Jazz mit Buchstaben" by Frank Pudel and Sabine Ullrich.
The book features lots of photographies of painted walls and comments of artists. All comments are taken from direct interviews hold by Sabine Ullrich with each artist. The result is really good - only the "street artists" in Sachsen- Anhalt are rare. That's why you find a lot of writing-based works and less non-writing works. If you're interested in the book you can order it here.
Sonntag, 10. Mai 2015
"From Revolt To Revolt" Walldrawing at Rosenwerk
During the offical opening of the "Rosenwerk" in Dresden I had a painting action together with local wall painters. Thanx goes out to "WSL"-Crew aka the new Rosenwerk-Crew for the nice day and relaxed atmosphere there.
Mittwoch, 6. Mai 2015
Opening Kulturforum of riesa efau & Rosenwerk
This Saturday riesa efau opens the new building called Kulturforum - a great space for shows, workshops and discussions.
On two floors well equipped workshop studios for printing, photography and digital stuff open the doors. One floor combines three techniques of printing in one huge loft room. Etching, lithography and silkscreen print happens in the same huge space - an amazing place for art!
During the opening a chalk mob happens in front of riesa efau.
Start 3.30 p.m. Address Wachsbleichstraße 4a - Dresden
On the very same day Rosenwerk opens officially. The former "Werkstadtladen" moved into a new building near to S-train stop Freiberger Straße. We do start painting a wall inside. You can visit this huge DIY lab and explore their workshops. They have an amazing wood shop, laser cutter, 3-d printer and a lot more things to explore.
Start 10 a.m. Address Rosenstraße/Jagdweg - Dresden
On two floors well equipped workshop studios for printing, photography and digital stuff open the doors. One floor combines three techniques of printing in one huge loft room. Etching, lithography and silkscreen print happens in the same huge space - an amazing place for art!
During the opening a chalk mob happens in front of riesa efau.
Start 3.30 p.m. Address Wachsbleichstraße 4a - Dresden
On the very same day Rosenwerk opens officially. The former "Werkstadtladen" moved into a new building near to S-train stop Freiberger Straße. We do start painting a wall inside. You can visit this huge DIY lab and explore their workshops. They have an amazing wood shop, laser cutter, 3-d printer and a lot more things to explore.
Start 10 a.m. Address Rosenstraße/Jagdweg - Dresden
public art
Montag, 4. Mai 2015
Street Messages - page 61
Oldie but Goldie - the "No Name No Fame" - roller tag series is recently published in the book "Street Messages " by Nicholas Ganz. It's a really nice collection of messages, slogans and poems found in the streets by various artists from all over the world. Including Laser 3.14, Samo (Basquiat & Al Diaz), Jenny Holzer or Banksy. Besides short artistic explanations you find three texts about street messages, political slogans and street poems. The book has a well balance in text and photo. Street Messages is published at Dokument Press . Hopefully you will find it in your favorite library or book shop - for sure in the internet.
Mittwoch, 22. April 2015
Fractals - New Stickers and prints
I started to do new prints on paper and during the printing process i thought: „ Why don’t you print some unique stickers again - like in 2003. Unique pieces for the public - not just digital shit, like advertisment.“ In this way my new silk screen printed series „Fractals“ worked out. „Traditional German“ Street Art style on postal sticker - I still love these postal stickers. Some are already spread over the world - pictures you can find on my photostream
Some more examples Fractals series
Mittwoch, 15. April 2015
untitled two layer drawing
This is my latest commissioned work for a family living in Dresden. It's again a mix of two layers of drawing. I love how the second bright layer interrupts the first extremly illustrative drawn layer. Thanx a lot to Sylvia A. for trusting in my work and all the good food.
You can find more pictures of the whole painted house on my flickr
Mittwoch, 1. April 2015
"Reclaim the street" - Workshop-Angebot
This is a workshop offer for Dresden/Germany - that's why, there is no official English text ... but i can hold the workshop bilungal.
Ob Stencil, Sticker oder Mural - wir machen die Stadt ein bisschen bunter. Street Art gehört längst zum Großstadtbild und ihre Künstler haben Galerien und Museen in windeseile erobert. Aber wie funktioniert Street Art? Wie macht man ein fotorealistisches Schablonengraffiti ? Welche weiteren Techniken gibt es eine öffentliche Wand oder einen Platz zu gestalten? Und vor allem - Wie kann ich mich daran ohne Gefahren beteiligen? Neben den Grundlagen der Schablonentechnik, Hinweisen zu Sprüh- und Pinseltechniken sowie jeder Menge Wissenswertes zur Wandbildbewegung (Muralismo), steht das eigene Tätigwerden und Experimentieren in diesem Kurs im Vordergrund. Wir fertigen eigene Schablonen an, die wir auf selbsthergestellte Sticker sprühen. Wir erstellen Skizzen, die wir dann als Experimentiergrundlage für ein Mural auf einer öffentlichen Wand nutzen. Ob in der Gruppe oder individuell - Wir werden den öffentlichen Raum zurückerobern.
Termin: 11./ 12. 4. 2015,
Zeit: Samstag/ Sonntag, 10 - 18 Uhr
Kosten: 125 Euro / ermäßigt 105 Euro
Anmeldung über riesa efau - hier
Ob Stencil, Sticker oder Mural - wir machen die Stadt ein bisschen bunter. Street Art gehört längst zum Großstadtbild und ihre Künstler haben Galerien und Museen in windeseile erobert. Aber wie funktioniert Street Art? Wie macht man ein fotorealistisches Schablonengraffiti ? Welche weiteren Techniken gibt es eine öffentliche Wand oder einen Platz zu gestalten? Und vor allem - Wie kann ich mich daran ohne Gefahren beteiligen? Neben den Grundlagen der Schablonentechnik, Hinweisen zu Sprüh- und Pinseltechniken sowie jeder Menge Wissenswertes zur Wandbildbewegung (Muralismo), steht das eigene Tätigwerden und Experimentieren in diesem Kurs im Vordergrund. Wir fertigen eigene Schablonen an, die wir auf selbsthergestellte Sticker sprühen. Wir erstellen Skizzen, die wir dann als Experimentiergrundlage für ein Mural auf einer öffentlichen Wand nutzen. Ob in der Gruppe oder individuell - Wir werden den öffentlichen Raum zurückerobern.
Termin: 11./ 12. 4. 2015,
Zeit: Samstag/ Sonntag, 10 - 18 Uhr
Kosten: 125 Euro / ermäßigt 105 Euro
Anmeldung über riesa efau - hier
Donnerstag, 26. März 2015
Untitled Drawing Performance
The "Untitled Drawing Performance" was realized for "Fakt ist… aus Dresden: Graffiti – Ist das Kunst oder muss das weg?" This TV-discussion was moderated by Andreas F. Rook.
Guests of the show were Peter Sodann, Lucie Freynhagen, Lutz Beberhold, Dr. Patrick Gau and me. Here is the link to the video of the discussion
The Performance happend in 3 parts
1st "Amnestie ! Wie ?";
2nd "Welcome To Trainbombing 2025"
3rd " Mash Up Moniker History"
Thanx a lot to the "Fakt ist ... aus Dresden" Team for the arranging of the wall and the opportunity to take part in this show.
Donnerstag, 5. März 2015
Entrance to Utopia
My second work was inside a sculpture. „The accident“ is a sculpture at corniche road along the coastside of Jeddah. „The accident“ by Julio La Fuente is part of a public art program, or better urban beautification program, in Jeddah done in the 70s. Jeddah claims to be the biggest urban art museum in the world. You can find on all roundabounds another strange sculpture - a huge carpet with car on top, a big tap, big cisterns or a huge fist. This city is full of big weird sculptures.
And Everybody knows „the accident“. It’s extremly visible and in a city without public transport - cars are a special theme.
When we first passed by this sculpture i told the driver to stop. This work had such a strange and strong impact on me, that a needed to look closer. I realized that it was possible to enter inside. I climbed through the broken car window and discovered a hidden place - perfect for drawing and right in the central public view. I found a lot of waste inside. It reminded me on a typical abandoned factory where you could find needls or beer bottles . I discovered writings from 2000. I decided to do an drawing piece inside.
The next day i went for working inside. A friend of mine was checking outside, if police comes, or something else happens. During my drawing session outside a lot cars, even police and some workers passed by. The workers cleaned the streets around the sculpture. If policemen had asked me what i did i would carefully explain them my work, because i did nothing illegal in my eyes. But nobody discovered me during my daytime work inside.
Being inside i remembered some drawing sessions in abandoned places in Dresden and Milan. I thought about a work i did in end of 2013 which was called „Welcome 2 Utopia“. These hidden places are full of Freedom and Anarchy - utopian places. This is where i started my drawing. First i primed the wall at some spaces in black, later i continued drawing over the black spots with spontanous ideas. I did a drawing of the sculpture, another one of the real Kaba , some coffeemaker - these works dealed with circles. Then - Because of being thirsty i drew a bottle of water. I continued a house, Birds flyig outside the sculpture. I added some connections, a hidden room and comments. A sign „back to public reality". Finally i called the work „Entrance to Utopia“.
After leaving the sculpture i went straight to the car where the driver waited outside - for 2 hours in heavy sunlight. Just thirty minutes later we passed by again. Local artists and me did a tour through Jeddah about art and Street Art in Jeddah. They where extremly amazed about my story and the idea of the work inside the sculpture.
And Everybody knows „the accident“. It’s extremly visible and in a city without public transport - cars are a special theme.
When we first passed by this sculpture i told the driver to stop. This work had such a strange and strong impact on me, that a needed to look closer. I realized that it was possible to enter inside. I climbed through the broken car window and discovered a hidden place - perfect for drawing and right in the central public view. I found a lot of waste inside. It reminded me on a typical abandoned factory where you could find needls or beer bottles . I discovered writings from 2000. I decided to do an drawing piece inside.
The next day i went for working inside. A friend of mine was checking outside, if police comes, or something else happens. During my drawing session outside a lot cars, even police and some workers passed by. The workers cleaned the streets around the sculpture. If policemen had asked me what i did i would carefully explain them my work, because i did nothing illegal in my eyes. But nobody discovered me during my daytime work inside.
Being inside i remembered some drawing sessions in abandoned places in Dresden and Milan. I thought about a work i did in end of 2013 which was called „Welcome 2 Utopia“. These hidden places are full of Freedom and Anarchy - utopian places. This is where i started my drawing. First i primed the wall at some spaces in black, later i continued drawing over the black spots with spontanous ideas. I did a drawing of the sculpture, another one of the real Kaba , some coffeemaker - these works dealed with circles. Then - Because of being thirsty i drew a bottle of water. I continued a house, Birds flyig outside the sculpture. I added some connections, a hidden room and comments. A sign „back to public reality". Finally i called the work „Entrance to Utopia“.
After leaving the sculpture i went straight to the car where the driver waited outside - for 2 hours in heavy sunlight. Just thirty minutes later we passed by again. Local artists and me did a tour through Jeddah about art and Street Art in Jeddah. They where extremly amazed about my story and the idea of the work inside the sculpture.
Sonntag, 1. März 2015
Jeddah days & nights
In February i was invited by Goethe Institut Kairo to give workshops in Jeddah/Saudi Arabia. Saudia-Arabia is a country you can only enter with an official Visa. As a non - muslim there is the only opportunity to enter Saudi-Arabia with an invitation. I thought i should use this rare opportunity to see a country where people have really bad thoughts about. It finally turned out as a really good decision.
Originally it was planned to partcipate in Janadriyah Festvial in Riadh - but the festival was canceled. So I ended up in giving a workshop for street kids and another workshop for young designers and street artists from Jeddah. These workshops happend at a „Street Art“-show organized by Athrart gallery in a former garage in Al-Balad - the most beautifull area of Jeddah. Al-Balad has a high population of foreign people - it’s much more livley then other parts of the city, because of it’s narrow streets and old beautiful houses.
Before I gave the workshops i met up with local writers and we went out drawing in public space.
This is the biggest work i did there. 4-5 meters high, around 10 meters wide, done with stick and spray. It shows a former King from Saudi Arabia. You should know this King from Saudi Arabia let build a trainline used for public transport between Riad and the northern coast of Saudi Arabia which is still in use. You can imagine how angry the oil companies went out when they heart about these plans. A train in the country of oil&cars ? But take care - it’s only a tribute to the trainline in the City of missing public transport called Jeddah ;) More works follow soon !
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