Montag, 1. Juni 2015

"Graffiti ist Jazz mit Buchstaben" - comments & works

"Graffiti ist Jazz mit Buchstaben" - Book about Urban Art in Sachsen-Anhalt Recently some of my works ( in fact the two official works I did in Sachsen-Anhalt) been published in the book "Graffiti ist Jazz mit Buchstaben" by Frank Pudel and Sabine Ullrich. The book features lots of photographies of painted walls and comments of artists. All comments are taken from direct interviews hold by Sabine Ullrich with each artist. The result is really good - only the "street artists" in Sachsen- Anhalt are rare. That's why you find a lot of writing-based works and less non-writing works. If you're interested in the book you can order it here.

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