Exhibition „Pssst“ 15th May – 23rd May 2010 – OPENING 14th May
zonenkinder aboout the show :
"We are pleased to welcome a bunch of outstanding artists to the group exhibition „PSSST“. The opening will take place on friday 14th of may at 6 pm in the very special atmosphere of the historical area called Gängeviertel in Hamburg, Germany. The idea is to organize a non-commercial exhibition with congenial excellent artists who are true to the game and practice art because they love it and cannot live without it! Our culture is still alive and still has this special flavour of rock´n roll!!"
Exhibition „Pssst“ 15th May – 23rd May 2010 Gängeviertel Hamburg Kutscherhäuser, Caffamacherreihe/ Ecke Valentinskamp Participating
44flavours Berlin
Base 23 Berlin
Curare Hamburg
Jens Besser Dresden
Klub7 Berlin | Halle
PeachBeach Berlin
Space Pirates Hamburg | Rostock
The Gang Hamburg | Berlin
Xpome Sofia, Bulgarien
Zonenkinder Collective Hamburg
Opening: 14th May 6 pm
Opening hours Fr | Sa 2 pm – 8 pm Su | We | Thu 2 pm – 6 pm
das-gaengeviertel.info !!SPREAD THE WORD!! Peace.
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