Montag, 31. Mai 2010

A wall for BRN ( Bunte Republic Neustadt)

Last Saturday I painted again. this time alone. more abstract. Dresden will be more and more colorfull .... especially when BRN is happening... location: Böhmische Strasse 7 - Dresden Neustadt Thanx to the Blanks ;)
bigger Foto here >

Donnerstag, 27. Mai 2010

chalk drawings in neustadt

last night i' ve been out with a bucket of chalk and a good friend ...

Montag, 24. Mai 2010

"muse&musik" a mural by Aris & Me at Friedrichstadtzentral (Dresden)

last week italian artist ARIS visited me in Dresden to do a new mural Friedrichstadtzentral . After painting two days and having two nice dinners with barbara and lü of Friedrichstadtzentral , we finished the work - "Muse und Musik"
more pictures of the wall via my flickr-stream

PS: Aris takes part in the upcoming show " about the nighthsift" at KOLONI next month !

Mittwoch, 19. Mai 2010

Der Kraftkleister k.V. präsentiert "GlücksKoks"

Der Kraftkleister k.V. präsentiert "GlücksKoks"
im Rahmen von "waterlounge"

Während 99% aller Newcomer-Artists die Ergreifung der Weltherrschaft proklamieren , hat der Kraftkleister K.V. ( k.V. steht für kein Verein) realistische Ziele. Im System sich anpassend ist der Kraftkleister k.V eine klar profitrorientierte Organisation. Deshalb präsentiert der Kraftkleister k.V. im Rahmen der Waterlounge das stark haftende, nicht klumpende Spitzenprodukt "Glückskoks". "Glückskoks" macht gefügig ,was gefügig zu machen ist. Glückskoks macht gelichgültig um den Alltag zu ertragen. Und Glückskoks macht glücklich! Kurz und Knapp : "Glückskoks ist alles was der Mensch des 21.Jh. benötigt um glücklich bis zum Lebensende zu überdauern." Wir laden alle Shopping-victims und diejenigen die es werden wollen ein, an der Produktpräsentation teilzunehmen. Zur netten Ausgestaltung der Räume zeigt der Kraftkleister K.V. junge rebellische Untergrundkunst.
Eröffnung 13.5. start 21 Uhr Ausstellungszeitraum: 13.05.-10.06.2010

Club Aquarium - St.Petersburger Straße 21, 01069 Dresden

Montag, 17. Mai 2010

one more time - megalomania

After a great Vernissage in Hamburgs Gängeviertel of "Pssst"group show, I painted once again huge skeletons - a painter(left) and a dancer(right). Zonenkinder offert me paint,a wall and took this nide action foto.
Finally i was able to resist the freezing wind of Hamburg... brrrr. 4 hours of strom but still alive. - check for final work here

Mittwoch, 12. Mai 2010

new tickets for another show

some new sketches on tickets done last night . for a show in ... amsterdam
click on the image for bigger foto

Dienstag, 11. Mai 2010

Exhibition „Pssst“ 15th May – 23rd May 2010 – OPENING 14th May

pleased to announce :

Exhibition „Pssst“ 15th May – 23rd May 2010 – OPENING 14th May
zonenkinder aboout the show :
"We are pleased to welcome a bunch of outstanding artists to the group exhibition „PSSST“. The opening will take place on friday 14th of may at 6 pm in the very special atmosphere of the historical area called Gängeviertel in Hamburg, Germany. The idea is to organize a non-commercial exhibition with congenial excellent artists who are true to the game and practice art because they love it and cannot live without it! Our culture is still alive and still has this special flavour of rock´n roll!!"

Exhibition „Pssst“ 15th May – 23rd May 2010 Gängeviertel Hamburg Kutscherhäuser, Caffamacherreihe/ Ecke Valentinskamp Participating

44flavours Berlin
Base 23 Berlin
Curare Hamburg
Jens Besser Dresden
Klub7 Berlin | Halle
PeachBeach Berlin
Space Pirates Hamburg | Rostock
The Gang Hamburg | Berlin
Xpome Sofia, Bulgarien
Zonenkinder Collective Hamburg

Opening: 14th May 6 pm
Opening hours Fr | Sa 2 pm – 8 pm Su | We | Thu 2 pm – 6 pm !!SPREAD THE WORD!! Peace.

Montag, 10. Mai 2010

South euro tour - SOFIA - final work

south euro tour 2010 - i stayed for some days in sofia at xpome place. together we made a daytime action near sofias famous " womens market" a really nice area. there you can find some old walls. we painted for 2/3 hours. it was the first nice and sunny day in sofia. this friday we meet again - in hamburg. we both participate in a show at gängeviertel called "PSSST!" here more infos

Weekend Mural

during the weekend participants of wallpaintig workshop at idee01239.e.V. and me went to an abandoned milk factory in Dresden. together we painted a huge mural. here some impressions of the work.

Donnerstag, 6. Mai 2010

street art stencil workshop @ riesa efau Dresden

street art stencil workshop @ riesa efau Dresden

part of "artistic evening courses" of Riesa efau e.V. Kultur Forum Dresden

about the workshop :
"Stencil is the most famous technic used for street art. self-made stencils are used to spray fotorealistic pictures of humans,nature or procedures in streets of cities. the workshop teaches basics and new developments in this technic.The first part of the course focuses on realisation of an self portrait. the stencil is used for production of self made stickers. to realize a lifesize stencil is aim of the second part of the workshop. this stencil will be used on a legal wall in urban space. after attendance of the workshop ,the participants are able to realize stencils by themselfes."
weekend 19&20.June daily 10a.m.-5p.m.

Fee: 70 Euro/ reduced 55 Euro add. 25 Euro material
riesa efau. Kultur Forum Dresden
Adlergasse 14
01067 Dresden
Medienwerkstatt, Malwerkstatt, Hof hinter der Runden Ecken

applicationg via riesa-efau

computer victim

i m a victim of all kind of computer programs , especially graphic programs. spend last nights with updating the website of urban script continues 2010 and layouting of Flyer&Poster for "about the nighshift" . the next big event i organize in Dresden. and besides of this everyday i write e-mails to artists of a book project about wallpainting . BUSY TIMES

Dienstag, 4. Mai 2010

pasting in prague

just found this foto , while cleaning my desktop. putting up some pixel pop ulation paste ups in the streets of prague - 2008

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