Freitag, 8. Januar 2016

"Muralists Paradise"

Last summer i did a parody on current muralism development on a wall in Dresden. I had the sketch done some days before I did this comissioned passage way in Dresden-Neustadt. You see houses just made of huge walls - perfect for muralism, but nonsense for living.

In recent years a huge recognition goes to huge murals by few artists. Before institutionalization of contemporary muralism coming from graffiti background, we had a much wider recognition of different artists and styles. People not just liked big walls, because of their impressive size.

The current development which seems like „Hey Girls - I got the biggest dig" or "hey boys - i got the biggest titties“ is not the way i thought about when i started to draw on walls in public and did projects such as muralismo morte. The recent development of an usage of muralism just for beautification is boring and one-dimensional.

I want to continue in muralism, but a new way should be found - maybe smaller, maybe collaborations again, maybe big stuff again, but a different content - let’s see what happens in 2016 ;)

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