Mittwoch, 27. Januar 2016

Memories from another era - large sized drawing

Memories from another era - large sized drawing During „Thementag zur zeitgenössischen Sachbeschädigung“ ( theme day of contemporary vandalism ) I draw a „mural“ live inside „Zeche1“ in Bochum. Robert Kaltenhäuser invited me to participate in a one day action based on 3 stops about contemporary movements in Graffiti Art. I simulated a mural by using a really small and funny elevator and working „top down“.
The content of the work is connected to discussions and talks which happend during my stay in Bochum. I met up some old school writers from Dresden and Bochum and we spoke about the past of painting trains and doing graffiti. The work is done with brush and white paint on wooden boards.
Memories from another era - large sized drawing

Dienstag, 26. Januar 2016

Untitled collaboration with Stefan Schwarzer

untitled work - Collaboration with Stefan Schwarzer Today was the first day in 2016 to draw a mural. It was above zero degree and Stefan Schwarzer from Halle visited me in Dresden. We went to an abandoned factory in the outskirts of Dresden to look out for a nice spot to do a quick collaborative work. We did a nice interaction drawing like back in the days when we did„ Neue Welt “ (New World) in 2010 . I hope in spring we start to do more works like this - today it was still freezing cold. untitled work - Collaboration with Stefan Schwarzer untitled work - Collaboration with Stefan Schwarzer

Dienstag, 19. Januar 2016

PechaKucha Dresden - Vol. 10

Thursday, 21st. January 2016, the 10th edition of Pecha Kucha in Dresden will happen. I speak about contemporary muralism - but no Mural-Festival stuff.

I took already part in 4 more Editions of Dresden Pecha Kucha , and some more Pecha Kuchas in Kosice and Heerlen .. i love the way of presentation - fast and straight.

more Infos here

Freitag, 8. Januar 2016

"Muralists Paradise"

Last summer i did a parody on current muralism development on a wall in Dresden. I had the sketch done some days before I did this comissioned passage way in Dresden-Neustadt. You see houses just made of huge walls - perfect for muralism, but nonsense for living.

In recent years a huge recognition goes to huge murals by few artists. Before institutionalization of contemporary muralism coming from graffiti background, we had a much wider recognition of different artists and styles. People not just liked big walls, because of their impressive size.

The current development which seems like „Hey Girls - I got the biggest dig" or "hey boys - i got the biggest titties“ is not the way i thought about when i started to draw on walls in public and did projects such as muralismo morte. The recent development of an usage of muralism just for beautification is boring and one-dimensional.

I want to continue in muralism, but a new way should be found - maybe smaller, maybe collaborations again, maybe big stuff again, but a different content - let’s see what happens in 2016 ;)


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