Mittwoch, 2. Juli 2014

Some Dates

Some upcoming events this year i take part in:

"pecha kucha night", lecture at Zentralwerk - Dresden - tomorrow - 3.July

"LackStreicheKleber" - Urban Art Festival in Dresden at various locations in Dresden - 4.-10.August During the Festival i offer a workshop called "reclaim the street" about urban art techniques I exhibit as well and paint some wallstuff.

"Wallcome"- I hold a lecture about mural-art there - Schmalkalden - 12.September

"Time For Murals" - urban script continues in cooperation with riesa efau e.V. Kulturforum Dresden - international mural project and muralists meeting in Dresden-Friedrichstadt - 2.-8.October

"On Architecture - Facing the Future" - Congress and exhibition by strand - Belgrad/Serbia - 1.-15. December

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